IN-ROADS - International Network for Research Outcomes in Adolescent Depression StudiesCo-InvestigatorRole: Co-I (PI: Dr Suneeta Monga, Hospital for Sick Children, Canada)Last updated on Jan 5, 2024Go to Project Site Follow Study Protocol Scoping ReviewPublicationsCore outcome set development for adolescent major depressive disorder clinical trials: a registered reportMajor depressive disorder (MDD), associated with a lifetime prevalence rate of 11% in adolescents, results in significant disease …Suneeta Monga, Andrea Monsour, Emma Stallwood, Riddhi Desai, Kristin Cleverley, Darren Courtney, Joanna Henderson, Daphne Korczak, Karolin Krause, Maureen Smith, Peter Szatmari, Martin Offringa, Nancy ButcherProject DOI